Club Registration (Open for U12, U21 and Seniors)

All players must Register to represent and play for Tauranga WP. Click on either the Current or Past button if you have registered in the past or New button if you are new to the club. Once you have registered you will be sent a login and password. You will then have access to your personal Tauranga Water Polo account.

Important: 2025 Fees
Registration Fees (Due at Registration) - All TWP members must pay:

  • $200 Club Registration Fee (Non-refundable) – Covers general club operating expenses.
  • $50 Age Group Fee (Non-refundable) – Supports age-specific activities. Assigned based on birth date, this fee is charged again if a member plays in multiple age groups.

Squad/Team Training Fees (Due Before Training & Each Term) - After registration, players are assigned to a Squad/Team, and a term-based training fee applies, regardless of attendance. This fee is based on weekly training hours.

  • Training Fees:
    • U14 & older: $12.50 per training hour
    • U12: $9 per training hour (larger group sizes/fewer lanes used)
  • In addition, a $4.50 per session fee is payable to Baywave (or members can purchase a Baywave Aquatic Membership)

Members selected for tournament teams must commit to term fees to train. 

League/Tournament Fees (Deposits due before the tournament)

  •  Charged separately. Deposits are required for team entry and travel bookings.

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